Meeting with the Minister of Youth and Sports
Youth Forum for Youth Policies
12 December 2023
Press release
The Youth Forum for Youth Policies met with the Minister of Youth and Sports, Dr. Georges Kallas, in the presence of the Head of the Youth Department at the Ministry, Mr. Joseph Saadallah with the aim to present its five-year strategy (2024-2028) and discuss ways of cooperation to implement the provisions of the national youth policy. Kamal Shayya, President of Masar Association and Secretariat of the Youth Forum, stressed the importance of cooperation to implement a number of items of the youth policy, stressing the Forum’s readiness to cooperate with various stakeholders to implement the policy and achieve the best interest of Lebanese youth.
Saadallah stressed the need to take responsibility to activate the role of youth in society and in all fields, pointing out that this represents a participatory process that includes ministries, public institutions, the private sector and civil society organizations. After standing a minute of silence for the souls of the martyrs of Lebanon and Gaza, Minister Kallas had an intervention in which he valued the role of the Youth Forum in giving youth issues attention and priority, stressing that he looks responsibly to the contents of the five-year strategy in terms of enhancing governance opportunities and encouraging dialogue with officials, and he values the pillars of the strategy, including vision, mission and values, and said that it is the duty of the Ministers of Labor, Education, Higher Education, Youth, Sports and Tourism to include in the ministerial declaration of each government items derived from this strategy.
The attendees agreed to continue the discussion, joint work and networking efforts to ensure the implementation of the youth policy in Lebanon.